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Friday 5 July 2013

Temporarily AFK (Away from keyboard)

Hey guys! I am extremely sorry for my absence from the world of Imagery & Insights into a Day-Dreamers sleeping habits. We have been very busy at Afriski over the last two weeks, so I was just too tired to write at night. That is not an excuse, I know. But sorry anyhow. Maybe I can use this as a prime example of my laziness! Didn't write because I was too tired!? Bah! I must have more self discipline than that, wouldn't you agree? That is how a lot of us act though, when we are too tired we just give up. We shouldn't. No, we MUST NOT!!! Being tired is not an excuse to stop doing the things that we must. Rather cut out on the things you do for fun to do what you must. Work first, then play...

All these tips on laziness and addiction is getting me down. Let's try to get back to why I am writing this in the first place - to sort out my relationship to everything else. In order to do that, we must examine relationships in detail. Not too much detail, mind. Just a bit more detail than we normally would.

Let's go back to the mother/child relationship. I think we can start off here and then move on to other types of relationships. Why do I want to go back to this relationship? Because it is one of the most unavoidable relationships you will ever find. Every single one of us has a mother, whether you love her or hate her, you have her. How will we explore this relationship? Simple, we will look into how it starts off and then how it evolves.
It started off when you were still a fetus in her womb. She fed you, she sheltered you. You fed off of her, you took from her without really giving back. Later on, when you were a baby, you still took from her without giving back - you kept her awake at night, you suckled at her breast, you annoyed her with your crying (I never did that ;p) At first, if we can use the biological term, you were basically a parasite, feeding off your own mother. Only when you grew up a bit did you start giving back. At first only through showing appreciation for what she did. Later on, the relationship probably grew deeper than just a "you feed me, I say thanks" relationship. You started sharing your thoughts and experiences with her, you started drawing her little pictures, gave her flowers and gifts (although the gifts weren't expensive or beautiful, I bet you she still cherished them!). As time progresses, your relationship will change and evolve, as all relationships do. Eventually the roles might swap around altogether. You will be the one looking after her in her old age, when she cannot look after herself anymore. Just like she looked after you when you were too small to look out for yourself.

Thus the circle is continues. Your mom looks after you, you look after her. You look after your child, he looks after you. Your child looks after your grandchild, your grandchild looks after your child...

In my next post I will talk about sibling relationships. They tie in nicely with the mother/child scenario.

Please tell me when if I repeat myself too much or if I start boring you...

It always comes down to this, doesn't it..?
Food food food!!


  1. Maar nie alle mammas sorg vir hulle kinders nie en nie alle kinders sorg vir hulle ouers nie! En die kern van die probleem vind ons heel aan die begin...
