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Friday 31 May 2013

It starts with... With... With... Arggghhh!!! How did it start again? For the life of me I can’t remember right now. So I’ll skip the beginning and go to the recent past. Have you ever seen the movie “Julie&Julia”? It’s a very watchable movie, if you understand what I’m saying. You don’t? Ok, let me explain it to you. It has funny parts, not too many swear words, no explicit sex (although I did get uncomfortable at times, watching it with my parents), a good story line etc. I’d recommend it to anyone! It’s a good movie. A watchable movie...

So go and watch the movie and then you come back.

I’m joking! You really didn't have to do that! The movie is about a lady that wants to be a writer, but she never gets the chance to write, or she starts writing things and then stops somewhere in the first hundred pages. You get the picture. So she decides to write a blog about how she cooks her way through some famous American chefs cookbook. You see the parallels between their lives and how great their husbands are.

But what the movie is actually about is to finish what you have started! I for one, am terrible with finishing what I've started. I know some of you are too.

To make a long story short, I decided to write a blog after I watched “Julie&Julia”. J

If you want to find out what the blog is about... Stay tuned for scenes from our next episode...

(Read some advertisements or spam mail and come back)

Next time on “Imagery&Insights on a Day-Dreamers sleeping habits”...

Cilliers decides to tell his readers why he wants to write this blog and what he is trying to achieve in doing so.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cilliers, great first post!

    I hope you will be able to finish what you started. Come to think of it when is a blog finished? I guess when you have said what you wanted to say, so in that sense it could be when you feel like it?

    I am looking forward to your reasons and ideas.
