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Monday 28 October 2013

Back. Again...

I've been meaning to write for such a very long time now. However, meaning to do something and doing it is not the same. Good intentions are very well, but without application intent is about as useful as a shattered wine glass.

That is one of my greatest problems, I have all these very grand ideas in my head, but I rarely do anything about it!

For example, starting a blog to help myself act out some of my ideas was a good idea. And it worked for a while! until I stopped writing...

The reason that I stopped writing, you would like to know, is because I got lax and lazy. I was, after the first few weeks of being alone and unhappy, enjoying myself way too much in Lesotho to think about any of my future plans or for that matter, of my plans with this blog. Having come back down to earth after an amazing three months filled with snow, sunshine, beaches, festivals, food, drink and lots of interesting people, I realized that I still need to do something with my life. Something other than seeking my own pleasure and improving my skills.

I realized that I still need to work at relationships.

With the realization came some insight into my own way of handling problems. Mostly I don't handle them, I run away from them. I find other things to fill my time and other places to feed my imagination. Thus avoiding old problems and sometimes creating new ones.
What to do now? Keep running, keep on creating new problems? No. Keep writing. In writing I find that I come to startling conclusions about myself, my relation to the world, and the world and it's relation to me.

So, I will continue the work that I have begun here. I will persevere until the end, for clearly there is a lot of writing that still needs to be done.
With the writing will come new topics to write about and new problems to solve, new horizons to discover and new skills to master. But it will also bring me face to face with some very old problems of mine.

It is my intention and hope that I will be able to sort out my past, be content with my present and look forward to a future filled with adventure and companionship.

What a beautiful addition to our garden, this table that my dad built with his own hands.

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