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Saturday 4 January 2014

Sludge-cake Icing.

Sitting in front of a computer. Alone, at a time when most people are asleep, I realized that I have a problem. In some areas of my life, I progress in leaps and bounds! Other areas, however, are pits of sludge, sucking me in, pulling me under, threatening to drown me.

Well, you guessed it folks - We're talking about relationships!

They say that time and distance heals everything, but in my opinion, it doesn't. It only puts a shine on the problem. You will think less and less about a problem the farther you are from it, but as soon as you come close, you realize that it is still there. Time is like a painter and distance the paint, to complete the analogy, we can style the problem as a crumbling wall. So, along comes the painter and he paints the wall. It looks great from afar, but once you start to inspect the wall, you can see that it is still crumbling.

You are probably wondering where this time/distance/paint thing fits into the scheme of things? So am I...
Haha, just kidding! I have problems that needs to be solved and I haven't really been paying attention to them. Every now and again they bubble to the surface and every time they do, they seem larger and more ominous.

Some of my friends make me sad. (Friends are not confined to the "humans only" category). These friends tend to make my life difficult by not wanting to get along with each other. What should I do? Try to be a mediator between the two parties or just leave it and let nature run it's course? Pick one over the other? Try to please them both, ignore them both? Aarghhh!!! I do not know what to do or how to do it, yet something must be done! In some cases it is easier to decide what to do, because society dictates that one of the relationships is way more important than the other. But in other cases it is not that clear. What if both parties are very important to me and both parties are wrong, how should I deal with that? Just put a stop to both relationships?

I guess what I need to figure out is this: Do I try to repair the wall or do I break it down and rebuild it?
Speaking of walls, look at all these marvelously put together walls! 

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