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Sunday 23 June 2013

One step at a time

This was done in the middle of the night, when I should have been sleeping...

Fighting laziness is more than just making a decision and sticking to it. Do you know why? Because making a decision and sticking to it is more difficult than it sounds. Therefore I suggest that we try to figure out how to stick to a decision, once made. 

First we need to find out why we are lazy. Are we just born lazy, like Martin said, or is there something more to it? I think in my case there is something more to it, yes I have always been lazy, but in some areas I am more lazy than in others. Why is that? There are two causes that I have identified so far... 

  • The first one is this: If I find that I can do something to a reasonably acceptable degree, I do not work at it. For some reason I am satisfied with doing well at beginner level, but never taking it further. Let's use my violin playing skills as an example - when I started out I did very well with my first examinations. Then, when it got more difficult, I simply gave up. Why? Because I was being lazy! I enjoyed sounding good (as beginner) without practice. Therefore I wanted to keep on playing without practice. Needless to say, my relationship with my violin isn't nearly where it could have been, if I had worked at it. I want to make it public now. I WILL get my violin up to standard, even if it takes me twenty years to do it. I will play Vivaldi, Tchaikovsky, Brahms, Beethoven and all the others. Even if it is only for my grandchildren
  • The second reason is that I always find excuses to do other things instead of doing what matters. I usually take something that is not difficult to master and focus all of my attention on that. The problem with this is that it is more than likely that the thing I am working at has no real value in relation to the thing I should be concentrating on. We can use playing computer games as thee prime example in my life. I have spent more hours playing online games in the last year than I have spent on any other relationship (human or inanimate) . I think it is safe to say that I spent more time playing a specific game than I did sleeping. Replacing what is important with some senseless relationship is a form of laziness and it is definitely a form of addiction. So here we deal with two problems at the same time. Everything in your life is truly entwined. 
Now that I know some of the reasons for being lazy, it is already easier to fight laziness. But just knowing is not enough! We have to do something about that knowledge. Take small steps in the beginning of your campaign against laziness, otherwise you will overwhelm yourself and just fall back into being lazy. 

How do we take those small steps? What is a small step and what is a big step? 
Small step: Pick up the violin and do scales
Big step: Pick up the violin and try playing Mendelssohn's violin concerto
If you start of by trying the concerto, you will frustrate yourself and put the violin away in disgust (believe me, I know). If you play scales, you will at least hear an improvement in the sound you produce. Playing scales once isn't enough though. We need to do it consistently, on a day to day basis. That is where the difficulties starts creeping in. How do you keep yourself motivated to keep on keeping on? This is where I struggle a lot! I'm not afraid to start something, but once I get the hang of something I usually set it aside. or when I do not get the hang of it easily, I shove it very far away!
Ugh, I get sidetracked way too easily! Keeping yourself motivated. Right. Set up a roster or a time-sheet. Put it where everyone in the house can see it. Follow it strictly, otherwise there is no point in making it. Why put it up where everyone can see it? So that the other people in the house can encourage you to do your thing, duh!! 

So that is one small pointer on how to overcome laziness, in my next post I will add a few more of those, and I will try to address the addiction factor as well. 

PS - I boarded today. It was a lot of fun! This crazy Dutch instructor helped me to correct my balance and to put rhythm in my turns. I still look a bit awkward, But I fell only once during the two and a half hours I spent riding. That's progress right there!! :D 

Thursday 20 June 2013


Wow, I had an amazing day today! It was my off day, so I spent the entire day skiing. With two of the resorts' ski instructors giving me tips and helping me out, I am now very competent on my ski's! It was so much fun! When they weren't coaching me, I was listening to my favorite composers through my iPod - Beethoven, Brahms, Tchaikovsky... Have you listened to their violin concertos? If not, I suggest that you do so now.

(Close to three hours later, if you did as I said...)

Why did I ski today, instead of snowboarding? Because I felt like it! I am way more comfortable on ski's (mainly because I have skied before) but that is neither here nor there. The fact is that I was tired and not at all in the mood for falling down, so I made the easy choice. I think that is one of my greatest problems, I always choose the easy way out. In other words, I'm lazy. Do I have to work at not being lazy? Absolutely! But how..?

In the case of working with your own faults and failures, it is also a matter of sending and receiving. Or let's call it giving and receiving, shall we? Happy now, Martin? ;p
You have to give some of your time, some of your effort, some of your energy in order to improve that certain aspect of yourself that you are not happy with. The difference between self improvement and inter human relationships is fairly obvious, but for those of you who can't see it yet, let me explain: In one you give to someone else and receive from someone else, in the other you give to yourself and thus receive from yourself. Does it make sense? Dealing with yourself and your problems is as unavoidable a relationship as any of the others. Why do we need to work at certain characteristics though? If there is an easier way, why not just take it? Sometimes we need to do hard things in order for us to grow. At the time of doing it you might not like it or enjoy it, but in the long run it will definitely benefit you. That is the receiving part. You give time and energy, but when all is said and done, you will look back with no regrets, with only self satisfaction.

Still the question remains, how do I overcome being lazy? Is it as simple as telling myself not to be lazy and to make an active effort to keep working at whatever it is that I have to work at? In some cases it is easy, like with snowboarding. Just because I didn't feel like boarding today doesn't mean that I will stop altogether, it is just too much fun! But in other things it is more difficult. Like for instance my studies or reading a book that is very boring or slow. I think I just need to force myself into doing those necessary things that I do not like. Do you have tips for me?

My shadow in relation to the ski slope. The ski slope in relation to the rest of the valley. Consider; if you go down in a straight line you move very very fast, if you make turns across the face of the slope, you move at a more controlled pace. I have to place myself in relation to all the factors at play before I go down the slope, otherwise I might hurt myself. In inter human relationships we have to do the same, otherwise we can hurt ourselves, but more importantly, others...

Wednesday 19 June 2013

Back to Basics

Ok, let's try to get back to the original plan. Let me try to continue my description of relationships. I got sidetracked by Martins comments and then by my own thoughts. Sorry about that.

I want to go into more detail regarding the interaction in a relationship. For now I will focus on our relationships with other humans.

In our inter human relationships (relationships between humans) there are two basic types of interaction. Giving and receiving. Both parties of the relationship does both, but one party might do it to a greater or lesser extent. The following diagram shows the basic interaction between humans X and Y:

From the diagram you can see that the two subjects of our study will receive the amount of attention equal to the amount of attention sent from one to the other. Thus we can simplify the diagram to the following:

In this relationship we can see clearly that person X has a greater interest in the relationship than person Y. He gives more to the relationship and receives less than person Y does. In time the balance may shift as the relationship evolves or the relationship may slowly erode away as person X realizes that person Y  isn't interested in the relationship anymore. Inter human relationships are dynamic and needs input from both parties if it is to grow.

In my next session I will look into our unavoidable relationships and how they grow.

Sunday 16 June 2013

Addicted to addiction

There are those who have addictive personalities.

I am one of those.

You will have to forgive me for this sudden change of topic, but I have to write what is in my heart. At the moment my heart is full of addiction, or shall we say, anti-addiction. As you would have seen by now, I am writing this blog in order to set my relationships straight. If I am addicted to something or someone, there will certainly be unbalance in my various relationships, would you agree? On the other hand, is there such a thing as a "good" addiction?

Before we can answer that, let's look at the word "addiction". Addiction usually goes hand in hand with substance abuse. According to the people that know what they are talking about, there are two types of addiction. Physical addiction and psychological addiction. Physical addiction is more often associated with drug or alcohol abuse - Once your body gets used to having that drug in its system or that amount of alcohol in the bloodstream, it becomes addicted. The body compensates for the intrusive element and thus changes some of it's functions. If you take the drug away now, the body will malfunction for a while, until it can reset itself to run without the intrusive element. So yes, in some cases people really do get physical symptoms of withdrawal. I know this is a very short and basic explanation of how the body gets addicted, but I am not here to give you an education in physiology.

Psychological addiction is a part of physical addiction, but it can be put into a category of its own - Usually addiction starts out because you are looking for some kind of stress relief (this is the case with both physical and psychological addiction). The substance is not always as important as the addiction itself. What is important to the mindset of someone with an addictive personality is that he or she is actually addicted to something, anything RIGHT NOW!! Whether it be a game, a person or a drug does not matter, as long as the addiction is there. As long as the relief mechanism is in place.

Is it wrong to have a mechanism to help relieve stress? Not at all! But being addicted to that mechanism is wrong. The word addiction has a negative connotation. It means that you are enslaved to a certain habit or substance. People who are addicted tend to let the addiction take over all of their relationships. They cannot think of anything but the addiction, they cannot talk of anything but the addiction. When they are at work, they aren't focused on their jobs, but on getting through the day so that they can spend time on their addiction (except if work is their addiction, of course). Addiction creeps in wherever it can find a foothold. It can ruin marriages, friendships, careers and much more. Addiction can ruin your chance of doing something with your talents (ask me, I know...)
People also get symptoms of withdrawal when they do not have a psychological addiction. But this is all in the mind, as my eldest brother would say: "Psychosomatic." ;p

How do you break your addiction to being addicted? To be honest, I do not know. Mostly people who have a problem with addiction will identify and fight one addiction just to replace it with another. But let's see if we can get a permanent solution. I have a few ideas. First off, identify the addiction. Be honest and open with yourself and admit that you have a tendency to become enslaved by substances, people or activities quite easily. Now, if you have identified the addiction, cut it out. If it is a game, throw it away. If it is alcohol, stay away from bars, bottle stores, parties, all that stuff. If it's people or certain kinds of relationships, stop looking for that type of person. DO NOT TEMPT YOURSELF! YOU WILL FAIL!!
When the withdrawal comes, and it will come, harden up. Don't give in to your mind playing tricks on you!

Maybe there is another answer? What if there was such a thing as positive addiction? The problem here is, you are still addicted. You are still enslaved. But that doesn't have to be a problem. If you do it for the right reasons, and do right by it, isn't it worth the enslavement? Now you will ask me, what on this earthly ball can be classified as "positive addiction"? Once again I do not know. There is something not from here that might be worth your while. Supernatural addiction. God. Have you thought about that, about Him?

PS - Thanks for those who took part in my experiment. From the comments I see that we all have the same idea regarding Japan, but from there our points of view differ quite a bit. What you saw there, is the wrapping paper of a red velvet cupcake. A square piece of white paper with eight smears of baked red dough on it. The red circle in the middle is obviously the bottom part of the cupcake.

Friday 14 June 2013

Something on Imagery

I just want to mention, all of the photographs displayed in this blog was taken by myself. Paying attention to them will show you how I see the world. It might help you to understand my writing.

Where was I..?

I'm ok, I'm ok! It was only the geyser the blew up in the loft, nothing spectacular (apart from the sound of the explosion).

So, where was I? Oh yeah, getting hurt in relationships. My viewpoint is that, no matter what you do or how you do it, you will get hurt in any relationship you are in. Does this mean we have to stop working at relationships? Does it mean we have to steer clear of relationships? Absolutely not! We cannot stay away from them, they are what makes us human. If we isolated ourselves to the point of having no relationships whatsoever, we would be nothing more than the specs of dust floating around in the air. Not to mention we would be dead very soon after we achieved being relationship-less.

If getting hurt is inevitable, what do we do then? This is where Martins comment comes in (it almost looks like he wants to take over my blog! ;p) He said two important things; communication and the cultivation of an "open" relationship. Naturally the two goes hand in hand, we cannot have an open relationship if we do not communicate properly. I'd go so far as to say that communication is the most important aspect of human interaction. We communicate in various ways, but that is for a later discussion.

Why is communication so important? Because if we do not communicate what we expect of the second party in the relationship, they will act on their own impulses and do things that might hurt you without even knowing they are hurting you. Each one of us sees things differently, so we cannot expect to be treated in the way we want without voicing it first. It can be the simplest of things that we see in a different light, but a lot of small things can mount up to become a huge issue!
Let's do a test to see how each one of us differs from one person to the next, shall we? I'm going to post a picture without any description. I want you guys to describe it for me. Can you do that? Just look at the picture and leave a comment with your description in 100 words or less. Please do not look at the other peoples comments before you post your description, ok?

If we all see things from another perspective, isn't it obvious that we will hurt one another?

What  Mia said is also correct. Part of being human is dying. Doesn't it make sense then, that some of our relationships will die? That some relationships, no matter how how important to us, will fail? This is also why we need to put ourselves into perspective. This is why we need to sort out what is important, and what is trivial. We need to cut out the wrong kinds of relationships and work hard at the ones that have meaning and value.

Wednesday 12 June 2013

Sidetracked by the masses!

By this time all of you are probably on the edges of your seats and chewing your nails in anticipation for my next post?! Never fear, the waiting is over. Sorry for only writing again now, but we've had some problems with our internet (nothing new to those of you who are living in Africa or have lived in Africa at one stage or another)

I just want to thank everyone for their comments, at this stage of the project I really appreciate any kind of feedback. It shows me that my writing doesn't fall on def ears, so to speak. If you guys haven't read the comments, please do so now.

(pause for the reading of comments)

Ok! I trust that everyone has read Martins remark about his skateboard hurting him, although he gave it a lot of attention? If not, go read it now.
No more pauses.
Most probably Martin just made an offhand remark without really thinking about the implications of what he wrote. If you have thought about the implications Martin, I'm sorry for selling you short. Anyway, I was going to discuss the "hurt factor" in relationships at a later stage, but seeing as Martin already mentioned it, we might as well have a look at it now.

Before we continue, I'd like to make a statement:

"No matter how much effort you put into a relationship, you WILL GET HURT at some stage."

Demotivating? I hope not! It is just a fact of life. People will hurt you, objects will cause pain on an emotional or physical level. You will be let down in your relationships. The question is, how do you deal with it? How do you react to that venomous remark your wife made about the food you prepared for her out of pure love? What do you do when your skateboard slides out from underneath you and you end up with a bruised and bloody elbow? This is where the real test of character comes in. This is where we go back to my first post and realize that we need to work on finishing what we started.

Again, there are exceptions. If we are in a bad relationship and second part of that interaction hurt you, walk away. By all means, if you feel that you need to get away from something or someone because it is taking too big a toll on you, do it! There is no reason to stay in a relationship just for the sake of being in a relationship. If you feel that you need to get out, and you can motivate it, get out! Let's use an example.

(The following characters are fictitious. If they resemble any person or situation you are acquainted with, it is pure happenstance.)

Let's use the names John and Sally for the following scenario. John fell in love with Sally and courted her. Sally fell in love with the attention John gave her, and not with John himself. When John asks Sally to be his girlfriend, she says yes because she likes the flowers he brings her and the way he spends all of his money on her.
As the relationship progresses, John can see that Sally has a roving eye as she is constantly flirting with other guys. When he tries to confront Sally about it, she sidesteps his accusation by telling him that, in order for their relationship to work, he needs to spend more time end effort on her, and less on his other activities. John, being the love-struck man that he is, sees this as a reasonable request. To outsiders not paying close attention, it also seems reasonable.
The longer the relationship lasts, the harder John tries to keep Sally's attention and affection focused on him. He becomes obsessed with keeping Sally happy, no matter what. All the while Sally is laughing at him behind his back, flirting with other guys, maybe even doing more than just flirting with some of those guys.
When John finally realizes what is happening, he has already pushed away most of the people around him, he has lost his ability to function on his own. He is basically a shadow of the man he used to be. It  is very difficult for him to get out of this situation, would you agree? Although it is difficult, would you also agree that it is the right thing to do (getting out of the relationship)?

That was a very long scenario, but what I was trying to illustrate is this: When you are in an addictive relationship, you very seldom realize that you are addicted before it is too late. Even if you get hurt all along, you still hang in there because things might get better. Tip, they usually don't.

Wheo, I sidetracked myself after being sidetracked by Martin. All I really wanted to say tonight was that seeing as our entire existence is based on relationships, we need to be able to handle getting hurt.
I don't know about you guys, but I can't think of a single relationship in which I've ever been that I've not been hurt or let down at some point or another. And I know that I have let people down, I've hurt all of the people I love. I've hurt my cat, I've neglected my violin and so the list goes on.

Aaaaah, sometihng just exploded in the background, I'm going to check what happened! Talk later!

Monday 10 June 2013

You and the Universe continued...

In my classification of relationships I have only touched on the subject of unavoidable relationships briefly. One of my readers wants me to give a complete layout of all the different types of relationships one can have. This is what I am aiming for, but it might take some time, as I am still exploring all of the options. But for his sake, let's look into it today.

So far I have come up with two main categories of relationships. Unavoidable and avoidable relationships. Within these two categories, there are lots of branches that we will explore:
Under unavoidable interaction we have the following.

  • Mother child relationship
  • Your relationship with food
  • Relationship with nature
  • Relationship with work colleagues
  • Relationship with inanimate necessities (clothing, transport etc.)
  • Relationship with death
  • Relationship between body and mind
Avoidable interaction.

  • Love relationship
  • Relationship with animals/pets
  • Relationship with inanimate sports equipment/book/games etc.
  • Friendships
That is what I have for now. I think that, as the blog continues, I will add more to the list.

Hmmm, soup and buns!

Food. Yes, food is as unavoidable as death. We have to eat every day. Food is a great thing, I loooooove eating! There are so many different kinds of foods that I like and so many I haven't even tried out yet. I have to eat at least three times a day, otherwise my stomach becomes angry with me, and that is one thing I would rather not anger! To sustain ourselves, we need to eat.

We have to be careful with food though. Why would I say that? Because food can easily become master of the relationship and then we have a problem. Some people overeat themselves and become extremely fat. This is not healthy! On the other hand, some people think that they eat too much and that they are fat, when in fact they are under weight and under nourished. This is also not very good! With food, you have to find a balance. Yes we need it, but we must not turn the basic need into more than that. Don't become obese! We also tend to eat too much of one thing and too little of another, for example, some people only want to eat meat and do not want to eat their veggies. I am the first one to say that meat is definitely the best part of my daily food intake, but if you eat only meat it is very unhealthy! You are messing up your body with your eating dis-function. You have to sort out what you need to eat to keep the balance between body and mind. Mostly, when the body is unhappy, the mind becomes unhappy and the other way around.

On that note, I am hungry! Talk to you soon.

Friday 7 June 2013

You and the Universe

We all have shoes. How used have we become to shoes? All of us see it as a right, not as a privilege. The fact is, having shoes is a a massive privilege and not a right. Obviously we live in the light of having many different pairs of shoes. We have different shoes for different occasions, running shoes, formal shoes, ski boots, flip-flops, slippers and so the list goes on.

Try to imagine life without shoes...

Do you see now how lucky we are to have them? 

As I mentioned earlier we live in relation to everything. And when I say everything, I mean EVERYTHING!! The stars are as much a part of our lives as is the beds we sleep in. For some the stars means more than it does to others. I mean, some people worship the stars, others "read" the stars and plan their weeks according to what they saw up there. To me it is just a bunch of far off planets that makes it worthwhile for me to look up at night. No not really. I love looking at the stars, especially when I am in a very remote area with clear skies and very few man-made lights around. The stars remind me of how small I am and how big the entire creation or universe is. It really makes me think about where I, a tiny human being, fits in. Thus my writing...

Categories of relationships? Yes, I'd like to think there are certain types of interaction, apart from the obvious differences between human and non-human interaction. There is a definite line between our relation to the stars and our relation to our work colleagues, won't you agree? 

Which brings me to my next point; Classifying relationships. There are certain relationships that are unavoidable. The best example of this is your mother. Since the moment that you were made, you were in a relationship with your mother. At first all of the interaction came from her side, her body fed yours, you basically grew out of her. Once you were born, she fed you, she clothed you. She protected you. If not for her, you wouldn't be here. As time went by  you also started giving something to the relationship. You started talking, started doing chores for your mom etc. The fact of the matter is you didn't have any choice but to have a relationship with your mother. That is an unavoidable relationship right there. Even if you hate your mother and never talk to her, you still live in relation to her. The mere fact that you do not want to relate to her, proves that she exists and that she had a part in forming you. 

If you do not want to acknowledge that the sun comes up every day, it won't really take the sun away, now will it? You will still have to live in relation to the sun and it's movements. You are in a routine because of the sun. The same goes for your mother. Even if you do not want to see her ever again, you live the way you do because of her, at least to a certain extent. Because of the love or hate between you and your mother you made many choices during your life. Choices that influenced your life and hers. You both have to live in context of those choices, or if you will, where you are in life relates back to those choices. 

Do I make any sense? Read on if you think I do. If not, read on in any case! 

Next time on "Imagery&Insights on a Day-Dreamers sleeping habits", more on unavoidable relationships. (We might be spending a lot of time on this topic, seeing as there are many kinds of unavoidable relationships...)

Thursday 6 June 2013

Humans vs. Objects

Look at all those footprints. Imagine all the different types of interaction that took place on those stairs. Not to mention the interaction between humans and stairs. Stairs are a simple everyday thing, have you thought about life without stairs..?

Just to clarify something. I said in my previous post that our interaction with inanimate objects are easier to handle (in some ways) than our relations with humans. There is, however, an exception: When you let the object become master of the relationship, you will start having a very difficult time to keep that relationship balanced. I will say more on this subject at another time.

Why did I say that in some cases it is easier to maintain relationships with humans than with inanimate objects? Usually this is not the case, because humans are mostly more complex than objects. Yet there are a few cases where a human relationship hardly needs any work to maintain it. I have a fantastic relationship with my family, we do not need to work very hard at it for the relations to stay that way. I know that I can turn to them with any of my problems and they would never turn me away. Did I need to work at the relationships to get it where it is? I don't know. I wouldn't call it work. We always just did stuff together and this great bond is the reward. 

Now people will probably say that if you spend as much time with an inanimate object as I did with my family, the bond would be the same. You can put the object in a cupboard and take it out two years later and you'd still have the same bond. In a sense that is true. Once you know how to ride a bicycle you never forget how to do it, right? Haha, I can tell you out of personal experience that it is not always the case. I used to cycle to school every day of my school career and afterwards I put the bicycle in the garage. When I took it out six years later, I fell off and messed up my foot completely. Maybe if I don't talk to my family at all for six years the end result would be the same, only on an emotional level and not physically. 

As off tomorrow, I will try to put relationships into categories and describe each category. It will be a timely process, so bear with me. For now, I will go and work on my relationship with Mr. Snowboard! 

Tuesday 4 June 2013

A new friend!

If there was any doubt, I am of course the Day-Dreamer! :D
Why am I a daydreamer, or actually, why would I describe myself as THEE Day-Dreamer? Because I live in a fantasy world. When I was small I always found something to keep myself busy and to help me visualize myself as something out of this world. 

A few titles I gave myself as a boy:

  • The Flying Saucer
  • The Blue Baboon
  • The Lizard
  • The Red Retard (it was meant in a good way, although I find it hard to see how the word  retard can be seen in a good way?!)
The above mentioned are just a few of my pseudo-names as a child. Usually people outgrow that stage where they wish they could fly or that they had some kind of special ability that no-one else has. Not I. I still have plans of flying one day! Not a day goes by when I do not think of some kind of weird plan to see the world. I am always planning, but unfortunately most of my plans never come toe fruition. That is a big part of my unhappiness, I think. Especially over the last year. I have made big plans and they were perfectly on track until seven days before the start of my new adventure. 

Well I promised I wouldn't write about how sad my life was, and I won't. I just need to put a few things into perspective for myself. The fact that I couldn't go on one adventure just helped me to go on another one! Yesterday, I went for my first snowboarding lesson, and I loved it! I spent most of the day riding and today I was out on the slope again. My body isn't quite used to boarding, so I am quite sore at the moment... 

Did you guys notice what happened yesterday? I made a new friend. A new relationship was born. My life took a new turn. I am associating with new things and a new kind of sport. At this stage it is still a shaky relationship, seeing as the interaction between me and the board have been limited to two sessions on a small piece of snow, but I want to continue this relationship. I want it to grow to something big! In this case, the board has no choice. In human relationships though, the other party always have a choice. Therefore I'd think it is safe to say that our relationships with inanimate objects are way easier to handle than our relationships with humans. What do you think? On the other hand, our relationship with people come from two sources, so you won't always have to work so hard at it as you do at inanimate relations. 

Let's use the example of me and the snowboard; if I don't spend a lot of time on the board, thinking about the board and paying attention to my instructor, my relationship with the board won't grow. I won't be comfortable on the board, the board might hurt me. If, on the other hand, I do practice a lot, I will get more comfortable with the interaction between me and the board and our relationship will grow. I won't get hurt as much and neither will the board. Obviously your next question is going to be:"The \snowboard is inanimate, how can you hurt it?"
The answer is simple. If I neglect the board it deteriorates and eventually it will break while I am using it, and then I will get hurt quite badly. If I respect the board, it will probably not let me down. If I disregard the board, well you know what will happen...

Tomorrow I will discuss a small part of the interaction between humans and why in some ways it is easier to maintain a human relationship than one with an inanimate object.

If you think I am insane and that my theory is utter nonsense, just keep on reading. You might find that I AM insane, but I think there is method in my madness... 

Can you see why I want to work on my relationship with the snowboard?

Monday 3 June 2013

In this picture you can see many types of relationships. Relationship with the self, with the camera, with the mirror, with the bed and so it goes on. Can you spot more?

re·la·tion·ship  [ri-ley-shuh n-ship]  Show IPA

1.a connection, association, or involvement.
2.connection between persons by blood or marriage. emotional or other connection between people: the relationship between teachers and students.
4.a sexual involvement; affair.

relation + -ship

Related forms
pre·re·la·tion·ship, noun

1. dependence, alliance, kinship. 2. affinity, consanguinity. Relationship, kinship refer to connection with others by blood or by marriage. Relationship can be applied to connection either by birth or by marriage:
relationship to a ruling family. Kinship generally denotes common descent and implies a more intimate connection than relationship: the ties and obligations of kinship.

The definition of the word “relationship” as given by
I’d like to focus on the very first explanation of the word, namely a connection, association, or involvement. I will put strong emphasis on our relationship with our environment. Our connection to what’s around us. Our association with people around us, with things around us.

By paying close attention to the picture above, you can see quite a few kinds of relationships. It is obvious, from the familiar way that the man is touching the woman and her relaxed stance that they are in a love relationship. You can also see from the way that the photographer is all in grey that he is not a direct part of that relationship. Yet from the bigger picture you can see that he is quite comfortable in that setup, otherwise he wouldn't have been lying on his back on the same bed as them. They would also have been uncomfortable with him on the bed with them if he wasn't well acquainted with them. Thus it is safe to say that there is a fairly good relationship between the pair and the photographer, would you agree?

Other than person to person relationships, we can also see a relationship between the people and the mirror, the people and the bed, the people and the floor... Two of the three people in the picture is looking at the mirror and seeing themselves in relation to everything else in the picture. A relationship, in my opinion, consists of two parts. Each can exist on it's own, but they function better when they are put together. Or sometimes one of the two benefits from the interaction between them, while the other one is being abused.

Before I carry on describing my connection with my sleeping bag, I’d like to give you a little something to look forward to.

Next time on “Imagery&Insights on a Day-Dreamers sleeping habits”...

Surely you want to know who the Day-Dreamer is..?

Saturday 1 June 2013

Some reasons

As promised, I am back with another post. I am still not sure exactly where and when my story started, maybe in Genesis, maybe even before Genesis. But I am not here to write about the history of the world, only about the history of Cilliers Marais. That and hopefully the future of Cilliers Marais as well.

To put it simply, I am unhappy. I haven't been really happy in a very long time - don't lose interest now guys, this will not be a depressing moan-story where I tell you how unfair life has treated me and all of that typical self-pity nonsense.
I have every reason to be happy, and yet here I am, sitting in the cold isolation of the Maluti Mountains in northern Lesotho. Unhappy.

An interesting hut close to where I stay at the moment.

Through writing this blog I want to figure out where I stopped being happy and why. I want to explore myself and my past through writing. The main focus of my posts will be relationships. Once again guys, don't run away! If you think about it, our entire lives are lived in relation to everything else. We live in relation to other people, yes. But we also live in relation to weather, food, toothpaste, animals, water, grass...

You see where I am going with this? I want to actively think about how I live in relation to everything around me. That is why I am writing this blog. It forces me to take some time to sit back and think about my life, to think about how I fit in and where I fit in. Up until now I have tried to avoid thinking
by being busy all the time. Over the last 6 months though, I haven't had anything to do, so I started thinking about stuff and I didn't really like where those thoughts led to. Hopefully through this blog and with your help, I will rediscover my equilibrium and become a happy man once more.

Thank you for your comment Ivan, your question was a relevant one. Some blogs can definitely carry on for a very very long time, but if all goes according to plan, this one will end once I have regained my balance. :)