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Monday 10 June 2013

You and the Universe continued...

In my classification of relationships I have only touched on the subject of unavoidable relationships briefly. One of my readers wants me to give a complete layout of all the different types of relationships one can have. This is what I am aiming for, but it might take some time, as I am still exploring all of the options. But for his sake, let's look into it today.

So far I have come up with two main categories of relationships. Unavoidable and avoidable relationships. Within these two categories, there are lots of branches that we will explore:
Under unavoidable interaction we have the following.

  • Mother child relationship
  • Your relationship with food
  • Relationship with nature
  • Relationship with work colleagues
  • Relationship with inanimate necessities (clothing, transport etc.)
  • Relationship with death
  • Relationship between body and mind
Avoidable interaction.

  • Love relationship
  • Relationship with animals/pets
  • Relationship with inanimate sports equipment/book/games etc.
  • Friendships
That is what I have for now. I think that, as the blog continues, I will add more to the list.

Hmmm, soup and buns!

Food. Yes, food is as unavoidable as death. We have to eat every day. Food is a great thing, I loooooove eating! There are so many different kinds of foods that I like and so many I haven't even tried out yet. I have to eat at least three times a day, otherwise my stomach becomes angry with me, and that is one thing I would rather not anger! To sustain ourselves, we need to eat.

We have to be careful with food though. Why would I say that? Because food can easily become master of the relationship and then we have a problem. Some people overeat themselves and become extremely fat. This is not healthy! On the other hand, some people think that they eat too much and that they are fat, when in fact they are under weight and under nourished. This is also not very good! With food, you have to find a balance. Yes we need it, but we must not turn the basic need into more than that. Don't become obese! We also tend to eat too much of one thing and too little of another, for example, some people only want to eat meat and do not want to eat their veggies. I am the first one to say that meat is definitely the best part of my daily food intake, but if you eat only meat it is very unhealthy! You are messing up your body with your eating dis-function. You have to sort out what you need to eat to keep the balance between body and mind. Mostly, when the body is unhappy, the mind becomes unhappy and the other way around.

On that note, I am hungry! Talk to you soon.


  1. Hi Cilliers, Thanks for the clarifications of the relationships, it is much clearer to me now.

    I really like you how you illustrate the fact that any relationship can enslave you without you even realising it.

  2. Das ist der Hawaii Toast. Toast Hawaii schmeckt allen gut. Na-na-na-na-na!

  3. I think you made me hungry! :D
