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Friday 7 June 2013

You and the Universe

We all have shoes. How used have we become to shoes? All of us see it as a right, not as a privilege. The fact is, having shoes is a a massive privilege and not a right. Obviously we live in the light of having many different pairs of shoes. We have different shoes for different occasions, running shoes, formal shoes, ski boots, flip-flops, slippers and so the list goes on.

Try to imagine life without shoes...

Do you see now how lucky we are to have them? 

As I mentioned earlier we live in relation to everything. And when I say everything, I mean EVERYTHING!! The stars are as much a part of our lives as is the beds we sleep in. For some the stars means more than it does to others. I mean, some people worship the stars, others "read" the stars and plan their weeks according to what they saw up there. To me it is just a bunch of far off planets that makes it worthwhile for me to look up at night. No not really. I love looking at the stars, especially when I am in a very remote area with clear skies and very few man-made lights around. The stars remind me of how small I am and how big the entire creation or universe is. It really makes me think about where I, a tiny human being, fits in. Thus my writing...

Categories of relationships? Yes, I'd like to think there are certain types of interaction, apart from the obvious differences between human and non-human interaction. There is a definite line between our relation to the stars and our relation to our work colleagues, won't you agree? 

Which brings me to my next point; Classifying relationships. There are certain relationships that are unavoidable. The best example of this is your mother. Since the moment that you were made, you were in a relationship with your mother. At first all of the interaction came from her side, her body fed yours, you basically grew out of her. Once you were born, she fed you, she clothed you. She protected you. If not for her, you wouldn't be here. As time went by  you also started giving something to the relationship. You started talking, started doing chores for your mom etc. The fact of the matter is you didn't have any choice but to have a relationship with your mother. That is an unavoidable relationship right there. Even if you hate your mother and never talk to her, you still live in relation to her. The mere fact that you do not want to relate to her, proves that she exists and that she had a part in forming you. 

If you do not want to acknowledge that the sun comes up every day, it won't really take the sun away, now will it? You will still have to live in relation to the sun and it's movements. You are in a routine because of the sun. The same goes for your mother. Even if you do not want to see her ever again, you live the way you do because of her, at least to a certain extent. Because of the love or hate between you and your mother you made many choices during your life. Choices that influenced your life and hers. You both have to live in context of those choices, or if you will, where you are in life relates back to those choices. 

Do I make any sense? Read on if you think I do. If not, read on in any case! 

Next time on "Imagery&Insights on a Day-Dreamers sleeping habits", more on unavoidable relationships. (We might be spending a lot of time on this topic, seeing as there are many kinds of unavoidable relationships...)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Cilliers, I am surprised to learn that you were "maid" when you were born. :)

    On a more serious note, It would be great if you could give a concise hierarchy or summary of the kinds of relationships and their relation to each other :).

    As far as I can tell you classify the relations ships first as inanimate and human (Yet you also miss you cat). Then further under human, maybe inanimate as well, relationships you mentioned "unavoidable" which implies the sibling of "avoidable" relationships.

    If you feel that this understanding is not important to the discussion then feel free to ignore me.

    I also apologise for all the bad puns but I had to... :)

  3. Now that you point it out to me, I am also a bit taken aback about the fact that I was "maid" when I was born. A better description of me when I was born would be: "I was baby when I was born" ;p

    I like the fact that you are thinking ahead. The relationship with pets and animals is definitely a part of my study, but I will get to that a bit later on. And yes, the "avoidable" relationships will also be discussed at a later stage.

    As to the concise hierarchy of relationships and their relation to one another, that will only come right at the end. The reason for this is simple. At the moment I am not quite sure how many types of relationships I will discuss and how they fit in with the others. That is why I am writing in the first place, to put myself in context with everything else and to put everything else in context with the other parts of "everything else".

    I appreciate your feedback a lot! Please feel free to query me any time!

    To everyone else, I apologize for the spelling error I made. I will correct it shortly!
