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Tuesday 4 June 2013

A new friend!

If there was any doubt, I am of course the Day-Dreamer! :D
Why am I a daydreamer, or actually, why would I describe myself as THEE Day-Dreamer? Because I live in a fantasy world. When I was small I always found something to keep myself busy and to help me visualize myself as something out of this world. 

A few titles I gave myself as a boy:

  • The Flying Saucer
  • The Blue Baboon
  • The Lizard
  • The Red Retard (it was meant in a good way, although I find it hard to see how the word  retard can be seen in a good way?!)
The above mentioned are just a few of my pseudo-names as a child. Usually people outgrow that stage where they wish they could fly or that they had some kind of special ability that no-one else has. Not I. I still have plans of flying one day! Not a day goes by when I do not think of some kind of weird plan to see the world. I am always planning, but unfortunately most of my plans never come toe fruition. That is a big part of my unhappiness, I think. Especially over the last year. I have made big plans and they were perfectly on track until seven days before the start of my new adventure. 

Well I promised I wouldn't write about how sad my life was, and I won't. I just need to put a few things into perspective for myself. The fact that I couldn't go on one adventure just helped me to go on another one! Yesterday, I went for my first snowboarding lesson, and I loved it! I spent most of the day riding and today I was out on the slope again. My body isn't quite used to boarding, so I am quite sore at the moment... 

Did you guys notice what happened yesterday? I made a new friend. A new relationship was born. My life took a new turn. I am associating with new things and a new kind of sport. At this stage it is still a shaky relationship, seeing as the interaction between me and the board have been limited to two sessions on a small piece of snow, but I want to continue this relationship. I want it to grow to something big! In this case, the board has no choice. In human relationships though, the other party always have a choice. Therefore I'd think it is safe to say that our relationships with inanimate objects are way easier to handle than our relationships with humans. What do you think? On the other hand, our relationship with people come from two sources, so you won't always have to work so hard at it as you do at inanimate relations. 

Let's use the example of me and the snowboard; if I don't spend a lot of time on the board, thinking about the board and paying attention to my instructor, my relationship with the board won't grow. I won't be comfortable on the board, the board might hurt me. If, on the other hand, I do practice a lot, I will get more comfortable with the interaction between me and the board and our relationship will grow. I won't get hurt as much and neither will the board. Obviously your next question is going to be:"The \snowboard is inanimate, how can you hurt it?"
The answer is simple. If I neglect the board it deteriorates and eventually it will break while I am using it, and then I will get hurt quite badly. If I respect the board, it will probably not let me down. If I disregard the board, well you know what will happen...

Tomorrow I will discuss a small part of the interaction between humans and why in some ways it is easier to maintain a human relationship than one with an inanimate object.

If you think I am insane and that my theory is utter nonsense, just keep on reading. You might find that I AM insane, but I think there is method in my madness... 

Can you see why I want to work on my relationship with the snowboard?


  1. Die Ridder van die Orde van die Swart Roos

  2. Haha! I spent a lot of time cultivating my relationship with my skateboard when I was younger... It still hurt me though. ;)
