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Friday 14 June 2013

Where was I..?

I'm ok, I'm ok! It was only the geyser the blew up in the loft, nothing spectacular (apart from the sound of the explosion).

So, where was I? Oh yeah, getting hurt in relationships. My viewpoint is that, no matter what you do or how you do it, you will get hurt in any relationship you are in. Does this mean we have to stop working at relationships? Does it mean we have to steer clear of relationships? Absolutely not! We cannot stay away from them, they are what makes us human. If we isolated ourselves to the point of having no relationships whatsoever, we would be nothing more than the specs of dust floating around in the air. Not to mention we would be dead very soon after we achieved being relationship-less.

If getting hurt is inevitable, what do we do then? This is where Martins comment comes in (it almost looks like he wants to take over my blog! ;p) He said two important things; communication and the cultivation of an "open" relationship. Naturally the two goes hand in hand, we cannot have an open relationship if we do not communicate properly. I'd go so far as to say that communication is the most important aspect of human interaction. We communicate in various ways, but that is for a later discussion.

Why is communication so important? Because if we do not communicate what we expect of the second party in the relationship, they will act on their own impulses and do things that might hurt you without even knowing they are hurting you. Each one of us sees things differently, so we cannot expect to be treated in the way we want without voicing it first. It can be the simplest of things that we see in a different light, but a lot of small things can mount up to become a huge issue!
Let's do a test to see how each one of us differs from one person to the next, shall we? I'm going to post a picture without any description. I want you guys to describe it for me. Can you do that? Just look at the picture and leave a comment with your description in 100 words or less. Please do not look at the other peoples comments before you post your description, ok?

If we all see things from another perspective, isn't it obvious that we will hurt one another?

What  Mia said is also correct. Part of being human is dying. Doesn't it make sense then, that some of our relationships will die? That some relationships, no matter how how important to us, will fail? This is also why we need to put ourselves into perspective. This is why we need to sort out what is important, and what is trivial. We need to cut out the wrong kinds of relationships and work hard at the ones that have meaning and value.


  1. The picture makes me think of Japan... Pearl Harbour, Japan. Suicide bombers from Japan. Weird.

  2. Drie dinge:
    1. Japan: "The Land of the Rising Sun"
    2. Eksperimentele kuns, miskien die begin van Ekspressionisme. Agressie. Wreedheid. Geweld. Bloed op sneeu.
    3. Iets om te eet. Aarbei-sous oor vanilje-roomys.

  3. Johannes sĂȘ: Dit lyk soos 'n groot Lugversorgings-ding. So groot een wat in 'n fabriek of 'n motortonnel aan die dak vas is.
    Of dit lyk soos 'n blom wat in die sneeu groei.
    Of dit kan selfs 'n rooi sneeuvlokkie wees.
    Ja, as hy mooi daaroor dink besleiut hy dis beslis 'n sneeuvlokkie.

  4. The red sun rises, blood has been spilled this night... (Just joking). The picture makes me think about being a "boer" in South Africa. It looks like a "windpomp" made of blood. It makes me think about the history of the Afrikaner nation and the land/ground that was conquered through blood, sweat and tears. Hard labor under the red African sun, satisfaction in your work mingled with sorrow over loved ones lost or shunned. A sad picture, but strong.
